Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency Project-Specific Website
Explore our project-specific website, that defines the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for conducting safe, ethical and high-quality clinical research.
Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency
The Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency (JTF) is an international team of investigators, educators and clinical research professionals that has developed a framework that defines the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for conducting safe, ethical and high-quality clinical research.
The MRCT Center initially co-led an effort in 2013 to convene a group of diverse stakeholders to align and harmonize core competencies for clinical research professionals into a single, high-level set of standards that could be adopted globally and serve as a framework for defining professional competency throughout the clinical research enterprise. Since the Harmonized Core Competency Framework was released in 2014, clinical trial researchers and training organizations have been able to rely on a single set of harmonized competencies for training and qualification purposes. Institutions around the world have utilized and applied the Framework to develop job descriptions, training modules, and other resources. The MRCT Center continues to lead the Joint Task Force for Clinical Trials Competency to adapt and evolve the Framework to meet the needs of its stakeholders globally.
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- Continuously assess and evolve the JTF Core Competency Framework for Clinical Research Professionals to meet the needs of clinical researchers globally
- Develop additional resources to aid in the professional development of clinical researchers
- Convene virtual biannual meetings of the JTF
key milestones
- June 2024: Biannual Global Meeting (Executive Summary and conference slides are available)
- April 2024: Published Arabic translation of the Core Competency Framework
- November 2023: Biannual Global Meeting (Executive Summary and conference slides are available)
- October 2023: Published Korean translation of the Core Competency Framework
- August 2023: Published Chinese translation of the Core Competency Framework
- May 2023: Biannual Global Meeting (Executive Summary and conference slides are available)
- April 2023: Published the Italian translation and the Vietnamese translation of the Core Competency Framework
- February 2023: Published the Bahasa Indonesia translation of the Core Competency Framework
- January 2023: Published the Thai translation of the Core Competency Framework
- November 2022: Second JTF Strategic Global Meeting (Executive Summary and conference slides are available)
- June 2022: Published French translation of the Core Competency Framework
- May 2022: Strategic Global Meeting (Executive Summary and conference slides available)
- March 2022: Published Self-assessed Competencies of Clinical Research Professionals and Recommendations for Further Education and Training
- June-November 2020: Conducted Self-Assessment Survey of Clinical Research Competency
- February 2020: Launched Version 3.1 of Core Competency Framework, including changes from Clinical Project Management Workgroup
- January 2020: Published the Japanese translation of the Core Competency Framework
- February 2019: Launched new Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency project website and launched workgroup for Clinical Project Management (CPM)
- December 2018: Released summary of Leveling the Harmonized Core Competency Framework Version 3.0, including leveled competencies, at MRCT Center Annual Meeting
- October 2018: Published the Spanish translation of the Core Competency Framework
- October 2018: Published Leveling of Joint Task Force Core Competencies for Clinical Research Professionals
- April 2018: Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency was one of three finalists for the ACRP Innovation in Workforce Development Award
- December 2017: Released Summary of Harmonized Core Competency Framework Version 2.0 at MRCT Center Annual Meeting
- November 2016: Initiated 2 new workgroups in the wake of the workshop:
The Revisions Workgroup, constituted to update the Harmonized Core Competency Framework based on suggestions from implementers and stakeholders;
and The Levelling Workgroup, to define and stratify competencies at fundamental, skilled, and advanced levels. - October 2016: Convened Joint Task Force Core Competencies Workshop to discuss real world applications and potential future revisions of competency framework
- June 2014: Disseminated Framework through simultaneous publication in 5 peer reviewed journals including Clinical Researcher, Journal of Clinical Research Best Practices, and CenterWatch White Papers
- March 2013: Convened first meeting of stakeholder groups including industry, academia, clinical research organizations, clinical sites, and professional societies; the group was termed the Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency
project leadership & Staff
- Barbara E. Bierer, MD, Faculty Director, MRCT Center, Co-Chair, Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency
- Stephen Sonstein, PhD. Co-Chair, Joint Task Force for Clinical Trial Competency
- Carmen Aldinger, PhD, MPH, PMP, Project Manager