Clinical Research Glossary

schedule of assessments schedule of assessments


A chart that lists the study activities and when they will happen during a study.

Example of schedule of assessments in a sentence

A schedule of assessments can help participants plan for their study visits.

More Info

A schedule of assessments is like a calendar or timeline. The schedule of assessments shows a detailed overview of all the study activities that involve participants and when they will happen.

Study activities can include blood draws, exams, questionnaires, and other medical tests.

Other info to think about when joining a study

If you are thinking about joining a study, you may see a “schedule of assessments” in the consent form. Someone from the study team may also provide more details. The study team will want to know if you can make it to all the study visits and if you understand all the activities you have to do while in the study.

If the schedule seems confusing, it can be helpful to ask the study team to help answer any questions. Additionally, putting all the activities that you need to do to participate in a study (like study visits or surveys) onto your personal calendar can help you plan.

Version 2.0 September 2024

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