Clinical Research Glossary

double-blind study double-blind study


A study that is set up so that the study treatment that each participant receives is not known by the participants or the researchers.

Example of double-blind study in a sentence

In a double-blind study, the study participants and the study doctor don’t know which treatment each participant is getting.

More Info

Double blind studies are done to minimize bias that can affect the study results.

Bias can occur when participants or researchers know which study treatment participants are getting

Participants can ask to find out which study treatment they received after the study ends.

Other info to think about when joining a study

If you are considering joining a double-blind study you can ask questions about how your safety will be monitored.

If there is an emergency, it is possible to find out what study treatment you are taking so you can receive the medical care you need.

Version 2.0 September 2024

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