Clinical Research Glossary

positive test result positive test result


A test result that shows a person has what was tested for.

Example of positive test result in a sentence

A positive COVID test means that the person most likely has COVID.

More Info

A positive test result for a disease, condition, genetic marker, or biomarker means that a person is likely to have or to have had the condition.

A “false positive” means that the test incorrectly found someone to be positive when they are actually negative. Tests try to reduce the number of false positives.

Other info to think about when joining a study

You may see the term “positive test result” in the context of study screening or a study procedure. You may want to ask if you will get the test result and if yes, how long it will take for the results to be ready. If you have any questions about the test result you should discuss with the study team.

Version 2.0 September 2024

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