focus group focus group

A group interview to learn what people think about a topic.
Example of focus group in a sentence
A focus group offers participants a chance to discuss their experiences with each other and the researcher.
More Info
A focus group is a way to get many different people together to hear about what they think about a certain topic. A focus group is usually led by a member of the study team. Since focus groups collect information from a few people at the same time it is important to respect everyone’s privacy when participating and not share details about the other people outside the study.
Other info to think about when joining a study
You may be asked to participate in a “focus group” as part of a study. You may ask any questions about the focus group such as what information will be collected, how data will be collected, whether the focus group will be recorded, whether there will be a note taker, and how many people will be in the room.
You can also ask how the data will be used and/or shared, and how your privacy will be protected. Feel free to ask any questions you have about being in a focus group.