compensation (study) compensation (study)

Money and other forms of payment that may be given to participants
for completing study activities.
Example of compensation (study) in a sentence
Participants can ask the study team if compensation will be offered.
More Info
Some studies offer payment to participants. Study team members should explain any likely costs to participants for being in the research, and whether compensation or payment will be offered. This information may also be in the research consent form.
Compensation in research is meant to help cover out-of-pocket costs to study participants, such as transportation, parking, meals, childcare, and to offset time out of work. If the study is unable to provide compensation, study team members should explain why.
Other info to think about when joining a study
As a participant, you may hear or read about “compensation” when thinking about joining a study. This information about payments might be in the consent form, and a study team member may discuss this with you during the consent conversation.
If compensation is not mentioned, you should feel free to ask the study team if compensation or payment is provided. You may also ask how much compensation is provided, how the amount is determined, and what you need to do to ensure you can receive the compensation.