Meeting Summary
Presented on: December 14, 2023
Presented at: Cambridge, MA and online
The MRCT Center recently initiated a project on cell and gene therapies (CGTs), led by Carolyn Riley Chapman, PhD MS, Lead Investigator in the Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Member of the Faculty at Harvard Medical School. In collaboration with diverse stakeholders, the project will identify and characterize the unique ethical, regulatory, and logistical challenges related to CGT research and development; we will then develop potential solutions or approaches to help address those issues. This meeting, held in conjunction with the Bioethics Collaborative, served, in part, as the project launch.
While the MRCT Center Bioethics Collaborative meetings are usually open only to invited guests and individuals from the organizations that sponsor the forum, this session was presented in conjunction with the 2023 MRCT Center Annual Meeting and was open to the public.