The January 2022 Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI) commentary entitled “Promoting Equity by Design in Clinical Trials”, is written by MRCT Center Faculty Director Dr. Barbara Bierer and Dr. Timothy Rebbeck, Associate Director, Diversity, Equity and Engagement at Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center.
MRCT Center Faculty Director Barbara Bierer, Executive Director Sarah White, Senior Advisor Luke Gelinas, and Senior Advisor David H. Strauss, authored an article in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science on “Fair payment and just benefits to enhance diversity in clinical research.”
MRCT Center Senior Advisor Luke Gelinas, Project Manager Walker Morrell, Executive Director Sarah White and Faculty Director Barbara Bierer authored an article in Sage Journals: Clinical Trials on “Navigating the ethics of remote research data collection.”
Published in Science Magazine “Justice, diversity, and research ethics review: It is time for institutional review boards and research ethics committees to address the ethics of inclusion” by MRCT Center Faculty Director Barbara Bierer, Executive Director Sarah White and Senior Advisor David Strauss.
In Science Magazine, “How to fix the GDPR’s frustration of global biomedical research”, MRCT Faculty Co-Director, Mark Barnes and Senior Advisor, David Peloquin, both of Ropes and Gray, along with Barbara Bierer and colleagues, analyzed challenges to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation to share biomedical research data beyond the EU.
The MRCT Center announces the release of The MRCT Center’s Achieving Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in Clinical Research Guidance Document, accompanied with practical resources, tools, and case studies, available to download.
Mark Barnes, MRCT Center Faculty Co-Director co-authored a special report in New England Journal of Medicine “Challenges of “Return to Work” in an Ongoing Pandemic.”
In Science Magazine, MRCT Center Faculty Director Barbara Bierer along with her COVID-19 Collaboration Platform colleagues details the need for a home for clinical trial protocols that are available for collaboration.
“To increase the power of RCTs, we have created a pilot repository for RCT protocols led by principal investigators who are open to various levels of collaboration. On the COVID-19 Collaboration Platform (, researchers can submit their draft or completed protocols and find collaborators.
Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 are central to most proposed plans for relaxing physical distancing and related policies.
The following work by Deborah A. Zarin, MD MRCT Center Program Director and Joseph Lau, MD ,Professor Emeritus of Health Services, Policy and Practice, Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health, Brown University School of Public Health serves as a reminder about what we know and don’t know about these tests, how frequently they might produce inaccurate results, and how these inaccuracies might affect their utility in different potential scenarios. Read Paper >
Listen to Dr. Deborah Zarin, MRCT Center Program Director of Advancing the Clinical Trial Enterprise and former director of with Science Magazine journalist, Charles Piller on Science Friday discussing recent investigations on reporting practices.
Science Friday episode “Drug Researchers Refuse To Follow The Law. The Government Isn’t Stopping Them.”
Science Magazine article “FDA and NIH let clinical trial sponsors keep results secret and break the law” by Charles Piller featuring Dr. Deborah Zarin.