Supporting IRBs: Two Webinars to Introduce Health Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
MRCT Center Online Health Literacy Training for IRB Members and Staff
June 14, 2022
The IRB can play an important role in championing the creation of research materials for participants that are clear and understandable. Please join us as we launch a new online Health Literacy training for IRB members and staff. The webinar launch will review health literacy concepts and introduce the online training which is designed to be a self-paced opportunity to learn and apply health literacy principles to the IRB role. The training also offers a facilitation guide to support continued conversations with colleagues about how to implement lessons learned. REGISTER NOW
Supporting IRB Efforts to Advance Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research Tools and Resources
June 23, 2022
Do IRBs play a role in addressing the problem of diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI) in clinical research? While IRBs are not the primary driver for assuring DEI in clinical research, IRBs can and should review research for the principles of DEI. This webinar will introduce resources created for IRBs and HRPPs to help drive change. REGISTER NOW

Part 3: Advancing International Pediatric Clinical Research Assent and Consent in the Field: Culture Context, and Respect
June 28, 2022 and June 29, 2022
The MRCT Center is pleased to announce the third of the 5 part virtual conference series to advance global pediatric clinical trials. Entitled “Assent and consent in the field: culture, context, and respect,” the conference will focus on the cultural context of assent and the challenges and solutions encountered on the ground. The 2-hour agenda will feature a moderated panel of experts who will share their experiences with assent around the world, including how to manage the tension between an (ideal) ethical framework and cultural context.
REGISTER for Session 1: Tuesday 28 June 2022 at 9-11 am EDT
REGISTER for Session 2: Wednesday 29 June 2022 at 8-10 pm EDT

Equity by Design in Clinical Research: The EbD Metrics Framework
June 30, 2022
How can clinical research stakeholders measure progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in clinical research? Please join us as we launch Equity by Design in Clinical Research: The EbD Metrics Framework, a tool developed by the MRCT Center in collaboration with colleagues from professional, trade, academic, regulatory, and patient advocacy organizations. We will first present the background, evolution, and structure of the Framework. Speakers will then discuss how their organizations have considered the Framework to complement their own work and to stimulate further action. REGISTER NOW