synergistic effect synergistic effect

When two or more things combined have a greater effect than when their individual effects are added together.
Example of synergistic effect in a sentence
A synergistic effect means that the combined effects of two products is stronger than what was expected.
More Info
A combination of medications is synergistic if they work better together than if the individual component effects were added together.
For example, Drug A decreases cancer growth by 10% and Drug B by 20% when each are used alone. One would predict that used together, cancer growth might be decreased by 30% (additive). If Drug (A + B) used together decreases cancer growth by 35% or more, the effect is considered “synergistic.””
Other info to think about when joining a study
The term “synergistic” is sometimes used to describe how two things that are used together actually have a greater effect than just one of them used alone. It’s like the two things work in synergy with each other to have more of an effect.
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