Clinical Research Glossary

study feasibility study feasibility


How likely it is that a study can be completed.

Example of study feasibility in a sentence

Research planning involves assessing study feasibility before starting to enroll participants.

More Info

In research, study feasibility means that:
-the study procedures are all necessary and not overly burdensome,
-the number of proposed participants should be possible to enroll in the locations chosen, and
-the study will have enough participants to answer the study question.

Research teams should spend time looking at all the parts of the study to make sure they are “doable.”

If a study has low feasibility, it is less likely to generate enough data to answer the study questions.

Low study feasibility is not a failure of participants. Low feasibility reflects a failure of the study planning process.

Other info to think about when joining a study

Study feasibility is about checking whether a study can be done as proposed. This is not the same as a “feasibility study” which is a study that is done to find out if an intervention is possible.

Feel free to ask questions about how the research team planned the study and how they are ensuring the study will be able to answer the planned research questions.

Version 2.0 September 2024

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