Clinical Research Glossary

concomitant medications concomitant medications


Non-study medicines that are allowed to be taken at the same time as the study treatment.

Example of concomitant medications in a sentence

Researchers need to know about any concomitant medications a participant is taking while in a research study.

More Info

In research, concomitant medications are medicines that a participant takes at the same time as taking the study treatment.

Concomitant medications are not the study treatment.

The study team needs to know about all the medicines that are being taken to make sure that they do not interfere with the research.

For example, if a participant takes a blood pressure medication, they should tell the study team and ask if it is ok to keep taking it in the research study.

Other info to think about when joining a study

Concomitant medications are reviewed by the study team to ensure that they are safe to take during the study

It is important to tell the study team about your other medications to ensure it is safe to take them while on the study. If you join a research study and need to start a new medication, contact the study team first. If any new health issues arise, be sure to discuss them with the study team.

Version 2.0 September 2024

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